Privacy Policy

How is your personal information entered through the website, used and managed!

What data is collected? This website collects personal identification information (Name, email address, phone number, etc.) only if the provided.

How is data collected? The viewer directly provides data when they fill out any forms on this website.

How will this data be used?
Data collected is used to identify the viewer and/or communicate with the viewer, depending on the scope.

How is data stored? This website has all the necessary precautions to ensure that data is transmitted and stored securely.

Marketing: This website will only communicate with personnel after the viewers express their interest in finding out further information on services offered. Viewers have the right at any time to terminate contact information for marketing purposes by sending an email to

What are data protection rights? Full awareness of data protection rights and what viewers are entitled to:
The right to access - Viewers have the right to request for copies of their personal data. This may be charged at a small fee through this website.
The right to rectification - Viewers have the right to request that correct information be displayed believed to be inaccurate.
The right to rectification - Viewers also have the right to request to have complete information believed to be incomplete.

Changes to Privacy: This website ensures its privacy is regularly updated. This privacy notice has been updated last on 15th March 2024.

How to contact the appropriate Authority? The Information and Data Protection Commissioner whose office is situated at Floor 2, Airways House, High Street, Sliema, SLM 1549, Malta and may be contacted on