Alexander Aquilina

Council Member Of Association

Alexander Aquilina is the Founder & CEO of Metatron Ltd., operators of Shakinah Indian Gastronomy.  He is now also co-owner and director of Seraphim Ltd, creators and operators of Ruby Ray’s Indian fusion restaurant and Kuch Kuch, an exclusive cocktail bar.

Mr. Aquilina comes with over 40 years of managerial experience, specialising in operational efficiency and managing teams. In 2013 he moved into the catering industry, fusing both his client focus style of leadership with his passion for serving. His aim is to offer a unique experience to his guests always aiming for excellence.

Alexander is a strong believer in surrounding himself with the best team members, technologies, and systems. Thus, ensuring total staff members’ job satisfaction, which translates into meeting all guests’ expectations.

One of Alex Aquilina’s main ingredients has always been consistency. “Offer consistency throughout all your service levels and this will give you repeat business and loyal guests”.