Michelle Muscat

President Of Association

Michelle Muscat is the President of ACE (The Association of Catering Establishments), Deputy Chairperson of the Board of Governors at the Institute of Tourism Studies and Chairperson of the Board of Studies and Chairperson of the Students Cases Board within the same Institute. She is also the owner/manager of Ristorante La Vela. After over 20 years employed in the private financial sector, Michelle succumbed to her love and passion for the hospitality industry and became the face, mind, heart and soul of Ristorante La Vela, in Pieta’.

For 15 years she has dedicated her life to her passion which is the restaurant itself. Apart from her dedication towards her establishment, Michelle also juggles her time to continue her studies. Last yearshe concluded with success an MBA degree in International Hospitality Management, where her dissertation was about creating the possibility of placing Malta on the International Wine Tourism Map, hence promoting the Maltese Islands through the improvement of its fine wines.

Having wines as a passion, Michelle also continuously studies this vast subject and is in fact in the process of concluding the advanced stage of these studies. Michelle’s mission and vision is consistency in both product and service whilst giving top priorities to customers and dedicated staff.

One other favourite quotes is: “Be a woman other women can trust. Be a woman who lifts other women!”

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